blackened death metal
Albums scraped2021-11-30T13:21:33.211Z
Last updated2021-12-15T10:33:50.020Z
Released at
31Darkthrone - A New Dimension1988-07
46Marduk - Dark Endless1992-12-23
99Belphegor - Bloodbath In Paradise1993-02-07
52Belphegor - The Last Supper1995-01
89Naglfar - Vittra1995-05-27
54God Dethroned - The Grand Grimoire1997-01-20
65Sacramentum - The Coming Of Chaos1997-09-11
61Angelcorpse - The Inexorable1999-09-06
4Behemoth - Satanica1999-10-25
34Belphegor - Necrodaemon Terrorsathan2000-11-17
6Behemoth - Thelema.62000-11-27
16Zyklon - World ov Worms2001-02-12
84Black Witchery - Desecration Of The Holy Kingdom2001-09
96Naglfar - Ex Inferis2001-11-13
98Necrophobic - Bloodhymns2002-03-25
19Behemoth - Zos Kia Cultus2002-10-02
71Behemoth - Storms To Unleash2002
75Behemoth - Thunders of Erupt2002
38Zyklon - Aeon2003-10-08
55Portal - Seepia2003-11-12
11Belphegor - Lucifer Incestus2003-11-24
70Kat - Somewhere in Poland2004-11-05
3Behemoth - Demigod2004-11-08
14Belphegor - Goatreich - Fleshcult2005-02-28
35Black Witchery - Upheaval Of Satanic Might2005-03-11
90Naglfar - Pariah2005-06-20
79Vesania - God the Lux2005-07-25
72Necrophobic - Hrimthursum2006-05-22
32Goatwhore - A Haunting Curse2006-09-05
8Belphegor - Pestapokalypse VI2006-10-27
83Naglfar - Harvest2007-02-26
10Behemoth - The Apostasy2007-06-29
47Vesania - Distractive Killusions2007-11-20
92Gloria Morti - Eryx2008-01-06
20Belphegor - Bondage Goat Zombie2008-04-11
88Antediluvian - Under Wing of Asael2008-07-19
48Behemoth - At The Arena Ov Aion – Live Apostasy2008-10-14
78Behemoth - Ezkaton2008-11-11
68Devian - God To The Illfated2008-12-12
51Unanimated - In the Light of Darkness2009-04-27
63Azarath - Praise the Beast2009-05-25
85Necrophobic - Death to All2009-05-29
69Papa Roach - Lifeline2009-06-15
23Goatwhore - Carving Out The Eyes Of God2009-06-23
100Weapon - Drakonian Paradigm2009-06-24
2Behemoth - Evangelion2009-08-07
74Insane Clown Posse - Bang! Pow! Boom!2009-09-01
60Belphegor - Walpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn2009-10-09
18Justin Bieber - My World2009-11-13
77Kerasphorus - Cloven Hooves at the Holocaust Dawn2010-02-02
40Dawn of Ashes - Genocide Chapters2010-09-10
43Svart Crown - Witnessing the Fall2010-10-25
81Behemoth - Evangelia Heretika2010-11-05
24Hate - Erebos2010-11-15
13Justin Bieber - My Worlds Acoustic2010-11-26
12Belphegor - Blood Magick Necromance2011-01-14
82Adversarial - Death, Endless Nothing and the Black Knife of Nihilism2011-04-17
73Torchbearer - Death Meditations2011-04-25
97Azarath - Blasphemers' Maledictions2011-06-29
39Rusko Star - Blonde2011-08-31
91Voidhanger - Wrathprayers2011-11-25
33Bölzer - Roman Acupuncture2012-01-20
95Abyssal - Denouement2012-02-02
36Goatwhore - Blood For The Master2012-02-14
37Naglfar - Téras2012-03-23
86Pseudogod - Deathwomb Catechesis2012-04-24
22Dragged Into Sunlight - Widowmaker2012-11-06
94Abyssal - Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius2013-01-01
15Bölzer - Aura2013-05-13
45Grave Miasma - Odori Sepulcrorum2013-09-13
29Behemoth - Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel2013-12-04
1Behemoth - The Satanist2014-02-03
64Irkallian Oracle - Grave Ekstasis2014-02-10
30Archgoat - The Apocalyptic Triumphator2015-01-26
50Abyssal - Antikatastaseis2015-06-23
49Vredehammer - Violator2016-03-18
27ZHRINE - Unortheta2016-04-08
26Bölzer - Hero2016-11-18
7Thy Art Is Murder - No Absolution2017-01
76Venenum - Trance of Death2017-03-17
93Azarath - In extremis2017-04-07
80Hate - Tremendum2017-05-05
62Suffering Hour - In Passing Ascension2017-05-26
57Goatwhore - Vengeful Ascension2017-06-23
21Belphegor - Totenritual2017-09-15
25Necrophobic - Mark Of The Necrogram2018-02-23
17Behemoth - God = Dog2018-08-15
56Infernal Coil - Within A World Forgotten2018-09-14
9Behemoth - Bartzabel2018-10-01
5Behemoth - I Loved You at Your Darkest2018-10-05
53HATH - Of Rot and Ruin2019-04-12
87Warforged - I: Voice2019-05-10
59Hate - Auric Gates of Veles2019-06-14
66Panzerfaust - The Suns of Perdition, Ch. 1: War, Horrid War2019-06-14
28Peppa Pig - My First Album2019-07-19
42Svart Crown - Wolves Among The Ashes2020-02-07
41Necrowretch - The Ones From Hell2020-02-14
58Vredehammer - Viperous2020-03-06
67Ignea - The Realms of Fire and Death2020-04-17
44Necrophobic - Dawn of the Damned2020-10-09